Frequently asked questions

Please browse through the questions and answers below – these are the most frequent questions that we get from our panel members. However, if you can’t find the answer to a specific question, contact us and we will be happy to assist you.

Anyone who is at least 14 years old, who is a resident and has access to the internet, no matter the device he/she is using: PC, laptop, phone/smartphone or tablet.
Absolutely no charge :) The Brainactive panel registration is free of charge. On top of that, there are great rewards you can earn just by completing surveys.
Unfortunately, no. The industry rules only allow for one account to be created and used by the same person.
Yes, yet it s very important for every family member to register separately, with a different email address and give their own, un-influenced opinions. Also, one IP can access a survey link only once, so family members answering the same survey must access it from different locations.
Very simple: click here, fill in some basic data about yourself and then click on "JOIN NOW", at the end of the form. You will immediately receive an email that includes an account activation link. You must click on that link in order to activate your account and start receiving surveys. If you don't activate your account you cannot receive survey invitations. After the validation, you can always log in with your email address and the password you have chosen at registration at
Our studies have a lot of different topics. Many of the them are about your consumption habits, either food preferences, cars, vacations, travel, which type of phone you own or what do you use it for, etc. There may also be social and political topics. Based on the info you provide when filling in your profile, we will know which kind of studies are the best match for you. This is why it is so important to keep your profile updated all the time, so that we can send you surveys that are suitable for you.
No. Never. We can guarantee you will never receive an unsolicited email (spam) because you are a member of our panel. Your personal data are used by Brainactive and exclusively for market research purposes and it will never be transmitted to a third party. We are compliant with all the legal requirements for the market research domain - Brainactive Pte Ltd, the owner of the Brainactive and trademarks is a Romanian company registered with the National Surveillance Authority of Personal Data Use and we act accordingly to 677/2001 Romanian Law related to data protection of individuals.
Contact us at Depending on your country, we will explain exactly what postal code format is accepted by our system.
Of course. From your account you can send email invitations to all your friends who'd like to join our community. You will be rewarded with 1 EUR/USD for every 5 friends that successfully register in our panel, activate their account and take at least one survey. You will be able to track this bonus in your account.
Yes, of course. You can delete your account anytime, simply by sending us an email to and letting us know of your decision. Once you confirm, we will delete it for you. The moment you delete your account, your personal data are automatically deleted from our database and you will no longer receive invitations to our surveys. Also, any earnings that were not redeemed before cancelling your account will be lost. Therefore, before deleting your account please make sure to withdraw your earnings by selecting any of the payment methods offered by Brainactive.
No, never. We will not send any personal information to any third party without your previous written consent. Brainactive Pte Ltd is registered with the National Surveillance Authority of Personal Data Use in Romania, the government organization that deals with the personal data protection of all individuals.
Please login to your account, select the "My Profile" section, where you can always update your address, email, password etc.

Then scroll down and you will see the extended profiling information, where you can find details about you and your household, such as: education, profession, occupation, automotive, travelling, etc. It is extremely important to fill in as much information as possible (ideally all categories), because this is the only way we can find out which surveys are suitable and relevant for you.

Each study we run has its own target audience: this can be car owners, for example. If you fill in the automotive section, we will know if you are a car owner and consequently will invite you to participate to our surveys which needs opinions from car owners. The rest of the sections work in the same way. Please fill in as many sections as possible in order to get more invites to our surveys and consequently earn more money in your account.

Most importantly: please remember to save all the information you update.
The money is automatically allocated to your Brainactive account, as soon as you successfully completed any survey.
There are different methods to claim your money, described in detail in the "Rewards" section.
Just log in to your account and you will immediately see your current balance on the dashboard. You will also be able to see it in the "Rewards" section.
This depends on how often you participate to our surveys, how full your profile is and the number of invitations we send you. We cannot guarantee the frequency of sending you surveys, although in our experience receiving an average of 4-5 survey invitations per week is realistic. To maximize your earnings it's best to fill up your profile 100%, keep it updated and check your email or your Brainactive account at least once a day.

To make sure you keep receiving our emails, please add our email address to your contact list, so our emails do not end up in your spam folder.
There can be various reasons: some are related to the quality of the answers you have provided, or reasons related to the mismatch with the requested target or limit of responses set by our clients.

Data quality is extremely important for both us and our clients. There may be situations when the responses you provide are considered quality non-compliant. The cases are as follows:

  • Speedy responses: each questionnaire has an estimated average duration; if you do not fill in the questionnaire in an acceptable timeframe, it will be considered inappropriate from a quality point of view; it means you have not read and understood thoroughly the questions and answer options; consequently, the answers will not be considered relevant by the client and you will not be rewarded.
  • Inconsistent answers: in a questionnaire there may be more similar questions, yet phrased differently; if you offer inconsistent answers to these similar questions, they will not be considered relevant by the client and you will not be rewarded.
  • "Red Herring" answers: sometimes, our clients insert specific questions to test your attention and so they check if you indeed read the question and answered carefully, so your answers are real and reflect your opinion. There may be the same question asked in different forms in different stages of the questionnaire, for which you are expected to answer the same way, or choose the same answer option. If the answers you give fail this test, the opinions will not be considered relevant by the client and consequently you will not be rewarded.
  • Unfit answers to open questions: from time to time there may be questions where no answer options are mentioned, just some boxes where you have to type your answer, according to your opinion. If the answer you provide is not connected to the question, includes inappropriate language or letters without any meaning, your opinion will not be considered relevant by the client and you will not be rewarded for the study.

  • When we receive answers as the ones mentioned above, all answers given in that survey will be considered unacceptable from a quality point of view and, consequently, you will not be rewarded. If we consistently get such answers on multiple surveys, we reserve the right to delete that panel member's account.

    Moreover, there are 2 others cases when you may not be rewarded:
    1. you do not match the target profile the client needs for that specific study
    2. you match the profile, but there is a maximum limit of answers accepted by the client for demographics (typically age, gender and region) and at the moment you access the link, the maximum limit has already been reached.
All survey invitations will be sent to the email address that you have provided at registration. All active surveys will also be visible and accessible from your Brainactive account dashboard. We will never contact you via phone or any other method without your previous written consent.
The participation invitation you receive via email includes a short text containing:

  • the survey link
  • the estimated duration required to fill in the questionnaire (in minutes)
  • the reward you receive if you fill in the questionnaire successfully

  • In order to see the questions in the questionnaire, you need to click on the button inviting you to take the survey. If you are unable to access the survey this way, copy the link shown under the button manually and open it in a new browser.

    As soon as you open the questionnaire, the questions are displayed one by one and have short instructions which will help you better understand what is required from you. Some questions have various answer options you can choose from (which we call closed-ended questions), others have drop-down lists, others have a box where you have to write a text as to answer. There may be other types of questions in our questionnaires, for example ones where you have to associate pictures with a text or where you have to allocate a certain % from a total of 100% to various answer options.

    Do not worry, all questions are very intuitive and there is noting too complicated. Simply follow the instructions given for each question to fully understand their meaning correctly and to answer according to your opinion. There are no right or wrong answers, your opinion is what matters the most.
The estimated questionnaire duration is always mentioned in the survey invitation, or one the same like with the survey, on your account dashboard.
Most of the studies will average 10-15 minutes. Nevertheless, there are cases when you will be invited to longer ones, that might take up as much as 45 minutes to fill in. The good news is that it is totally your decision if you choose to respond to any questionnaire, but it is important to know that the longer the survey, the more money you will earn for completing it.
You may respond to every questionnaire you are invited to. There is no limit.
No, the participation to our surveys is entirely your choice. It is, though, in your advantage to respond to as many surveys as possible. The more surveys you fill in, the more money you make. It's that simple.
Some surveys are open for a very short timeframe, even less than an hour. That happens usually when clients try to capture the impression made by a specific ad that was just broadcasted on TV, for instance. Fortunately, such cases are exceptions and most surveys remain open for at least a 2-3 days.
No, the completion of the questionnaire is absolutely free of charge, same as being a member in our panel. Even more, for every survey you complete, you are rewarded with money.
This usually happens because you either do not match the relevant target criteria for that survey, your answers do not meet the quality threshold our clients require or there is a limited number of interviews accepted by our client for certain demographics (typically age, gender or region, but there can be other criteria too). Clients are only interested in relevant opinions that can be extrapolated to the entire population of a region/country and they also need to make sure the quality of the data they receive is as high as possible.
Yes, it's possible for you to receive a certain invitation more than once. That happens when we have not yet collected the minimum number of answers needed by our client and we still need people to complete the survey. The maximum number of invitations you can receive for the same survey is 3. Of course, this only applies if you haven't yet completed the survey.
Even though we cannot guarantee a certain frequency in terms of sending surveys, the safest method is to fill in as much information as possible on your profile page. The more information you fill in, the more precisely we will know which studies are best suited for you and send you more invitations. It is ideal to fill out your profile 100% and keep the information updated at all times.
The answers you give us are used for market research purposes exclusively.
We guarantee that:
  • the answers you provide to our questionnaires are kept strictly confidential
  • your answers will be combined with the answers of other respondents and reported as a whole, without any identification of the person who has given the respective answers.
The only personal information we collect from you is the one you share with us when you join the panel: age, gender and region.

All this information is kept strictly confidential in accordance with the Romanian data protection law (677/2001) and is used exclusively for market research purposes. Brainactive Pte Ltd, the owner of Brainactive and trademarks, is a Romanian company registered with the National Surveillance Authority of Personal Data Use.
Completing our surveys is totally anonymous and there is no possibility to connect the responses you provide with your identity. Your answers are used for market research purposes exclusively and reported in aggregated format only, meaning together with other answers from other members, in order to fully protect your identity.
Absolutely. We are compliant with all Romanian laws related to personal data protection, accepted as standard by the European Union. Brainactive Pte Ltd, the owner of the Brainactive and trademarks, is a Romanian company registered at the National Surveillance Authority of Personal Data Use and acts accordingly to the Romanian Law related to data protection of individuals (677/2001). Moreover, we act strict adherence to the quality code of conduct issued by ESOMAR, the largest international organization in market research industry, of which members we are.
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